

Imagem Brazilian supreme court on award, imposed an obligation to the giant state oil Petrobras to supply fuel oil to Iranians vessels lying at anchorage. Therefore, at this odd import and export negotiations, something still must be brought to light. for instance: Who is the Charterer? Assuming that, Brazilian importers bought urea from the Iranians vendors and in turn, will export corn in bulk to Iran. Bearing in mind that  majors stakeholders and players in foreign trade are fully aware that Iran sanctions are enforce since the beginning of American´s hostages crises in 1979. Embracing a little bit relief in Obama´s government and again facing hard sanctions applied by Trump´s administration against the Iranian government. I do not know the terms of contract, but suppose that buyers in Brazil decided to buy on FOB " free on board" terms, the responsibilities to arrange sea...


Imagem,toffoli-determina-que-petrobras-forneca-combustivel-a-navios-iranianos,70002937963 Ainda em comento ao assunto do post anterior. Seguindo o raciocínio, presumo que a Petrobras esteja certa em não abastecer as embarcações. Digo presumo, pois não tenho conhecimento dos termos e teor da liminar impetrada junto ao STF. Pois bem, importante ressaltar que as sanções ao Iran vêm desde 1979, no caso da crise dos reféns na embaixada americana no Iran. Desta forma as sanções vêm sendo aplicadas com maior ou menor intensidade. Ver site do e procurar Iran sanctions. Neste novo episodio da concessão da liminar pelo STF, hipoteticamente seguem-se duas possibilidades: a) A empresa exportadora aqui no Brasil efetuou a venda da mercadoria no modelo CIF ou C&F segundo os INCOTERMS. Nestes termos, o vendedor contrata o afretamento da embarcação para levar a mercadoria até o destino. Partindo do pressuposto que o afret...


A materia abaixo, desvela os motivos pelo qual a oposição se mostra ferrenhamente contraria as reformas em curso. Somente com a reforma da previdência, o governo terá em caixa um montante de R$ 250 bi em 05 anos. O que seria terrível para os planos da oposição, pois vai garantir praticamente a reeleição do governo atual. Por isso os "dois minutos de ódio" parafraseando o livro: 1984 de George Orwell, contra a " lava jato" tentando confundir a opinião pública.


This harmonizing data pursued, should be extended to the port authorities, Customs, freight forwarders, logistic operators as well as others stakeholders in the logistic supply chain.


CRUZEIRO MARÍTIMO , VIAGEM INSÓLITA .                                                                          image courtesy: A temporada de cruzeiros marítimos, geralmente começa em novembro e vai até março. Existem varias companhias e/ou   empresas operadoras de cruzeiros atuando neste lucrativo mercado de navegação de turismo.   Segundo dados da FGV, cerca de 20 navios   operam na costa brasileira, movimentando aproximadamente 800 mil passageiros em meados de 2010/2011. Para o ano 2018/2109 espera-se  geração de receitas na ordem de R$ 2 bilhões na temporada, segunda dados da Agencia Brasil. Trata-se de um importante e crescente segmento turístico   no Brasil. Contudo, nem sempre o mar está para peixe neste negócio.   Principalmente para o...


DEALING WITH HARD NEGOTIATIONS The latest consultancy provided to one of our clients, called the attention of our team how the negotiations took a place, bearing in mind that contractor’s headquarters is located in Taiwan. Once started negotiations, questions and answers flow quickly, unless you have a good and safety A.I. software, you will feel like Damocles - Damocles parable, by Roman philosopher Cicero, 45 b.C - with a sword hanging over their head, when vetting and amend the contract mismatches. However, overcome the early pitfalls, good lessons have been learned and useful knowledge acquired, stemmed from contractual negotiations. As a result, would like to point out top five tips on negotiations, as stated hereunder: THRUSTWORTH In spite of several technological devices at disposal, customer need to feel safe on the agreed terms, will be duly fulfilled by both sides. while talking each other, client must be comfortable to ask e receive the right an...


Linkedin #big ideas Considering the entire predictions set forth herein, to the year of 2019 we have to work like ants to be entitled to enjoy the prerogative of cicadas some years to come. 2019 shall be the La fontaine´s year or in clear words, the year of sharp management and economic tightnening. analysts foresee the economic recession will hit the united States around 2020. Meantime,The European Union is facing hard times with "brexit" and the central bank policy of deleverage. The other side, China brace to solve the nuisances left by trade war with USA and economic slowdown, with PIB   expectance to 2018 at 6.5 per cent. (a feeble growth to Chinese purposes). However if applied in the west countries, would be an amazing performance. However, western states will never attain such level, cheering to lay down in 2.5 up to 3 percent. last but non least, the emerging markets must be ready to face these travails, mainly with the united states/FED hike ra...