sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016



The construction industry is heating up in the United States with this is time for Brazilian exporters turn their eyes to this important segment. Before the 2009 crisis, this market was overheated with massive exports of polished granite plates, tables, counters and various pieces of granites worked tailored to US importers.

The shipment was through containers with great calling of  containers ships from various lines such as MSC, Maersk, CMA-CGM, Mitsui, Hamburg Sud, Cosco, etc. in Vitória / ES ports, mainly in specialized container terminal TVV, current Login. For this year, according to OCDE surveys, the US economy growth estimate should be around 2% and global growth on average of 3%.

Therefore, it is time for Brazilian exporters, resume their contacts abroad and take this chance, as have experience in this segment. The exchange rate is favorable to exports and ocean freight market is sluggish, given the excess supply of vessels for the low volume of cargo transported(trade off). Although most sales are traded on the "FOB terms" , however it favors the importer when negotiating freight and exporter in the  sale contract of goods in relation to the final price.

On the other hand, given the American market peculiarities, one of is the wood´s certificate requirement and shoring pallets of granite plates inside the container. Exporters must submit a certificate of Ibama (green label), certifying that the wood was obtained legally, fumigation certificate, confirming that the timber was fumigated, thus avoiding the existence of insects and other harmful pests to the environment, besides the documents already commonplace in the export process as a commercial invoice, certificate of origin, Letter of credit, insurance and other documents dealt between exporter and importer.

The key to this business is that nobody knows where it is, and lies in the so-called export credit insurance (SCE) which is linked to FGE - Guarantees Fund of Export, linked to the Ministry of Finance (Law 9,818 / 99). Banks are not financing exports nor BNDES. Private banks are reducing their risk margins due to crisis and gloomy economic prospects for Brazil. BNDES that could be the main player of this business is suppressed, due to recent investments not very orthodox in the market, especially in companies today face serious financial losses to be involved in corruption scandals.

Thus, there is a gap in the market that can be filled by external funding. Majors European banks are with full coffers, eager for large projects and external financing depends on the guarantees to be agreed. This is variety of market that the governments of most developed economies with countries meet through calls ECAs - Export Credit Agencies (Credit Agencies Export).

These agencies are organized in different ways. In common, they have funding and / or government guarantees to support exports of goods and services long-term, but still relying on short-term programs for micro and small businesses. On the OECD website you can find several addresses of fomenting credit companies, namely:

The observance and respect the deadlines agreed in the contract is mandatory, under penalty of fine, cancellation of contract disputes in courts claiming losses, damages and lost profits. A good tip for those who are thinking of exporting is to always be aware of the terms of the international sales contract and maritime transport. In a sale in the form "FOB" in which the goods have to be delivered alongside the vessel (ship) by the exporter, already cleared by Customs and ready to be loaded.

Who will appoint the vessel and pays the ocean freight and insurance of the goods is the importer of the goods. The exporter has to calculate its costs of internal land transport, stowage (place the goods inside containers), internal transport insurance of goods, taxes (if any), expenses dispatcher and moving containers in the port (handling) if there are physical verification of the goods by the red channel derived from Customs assessment.

The exporter should be exempt to book the freight, at the request of the importer (in FOB condition – freight collect)) to avoid problems with "demurrage" (fine for delay in delivery of containers) and subsequent recovery of freight, if the importer does not honor the payment . There are disputes in courts where the maritime carrier charged by the exporter to pay the freight, insurance, and fines for the delay in delivery of containers (demurrage) due to the importer's breach did not appear to receive the cargoes and also did not pay the ocean freight . The maritime transport company filed a charge of execution in detriment of the exporter, because it was exactly he who hired the freight. We must be attentive to details.

Finally, it is worth mentioning other important markets that are emerging, such as food (meat and meat products) Russia, China and Eastern European countries. We can not forget to mention Iran, which returned to the market after the sanctions relief imposed by the European Union and the United States, becoming a great player for imports of commodities and derivatives from Brazil. However one must be aware of the letter of credit and check a bank first line and the guarantor bank credit.

Last but not least, get help on the sites of Banco do Brazil and SEBRAE  always rely on the help of a good advice to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Author details:

Paulo S.Silvano Oliveira
Lawyer – Export and import Consultant
Extension at maritime Law (maritime transport, oil & gás, damages, etc)
“Expertise” at ports and logistic – Have been hired by 10 years at  VALE. Trading companies, Greek Owners and mangers, shipping repairs market, etc.

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016



O Brasil é signatário da Convenção Internacional  para Salvaguarda da Vida Humana no Mar (SOLAS) regulamentada pelo DEC. 92.610 de maio de 1986. (protocolo promulgado em 1978).  Recentemente foi acrescentado mais um importante item a este protocolo, a saber o VGM – Verified Gross mass -  ou,  peso bruto do container incluindo as mercadorias estufadas ou colocadas no interior deste container.

Esta nova regra  entrará em vigor no primeiro  dia do próximo mês de Julho de 2016. Tem como pressupostos a apresentação por parte do embarcador (shipper ou Merchant) denominado no conhecimento de embarque (Bill of lading) uma declaração com os dados de pesagens do container apurado em balança devidamente certificada por organismo competente, no Brasil, o INMETRO ou outra empresa certificadora autorizada.

Esta medida visa a evitar riscos à embarcação no transporte de containers, tendo em vista as informações não precisas em relação a pesagem de unidades de cargas ou containers, fornecida pelos embarcadores. Alguns portos, não realizam a pesagem física, confiando apenas na informação do embarcador, colocando em risco o embarque da carga realizada pelos trabalhadores portuários avulsos, operador de guindaste, a tripulação do navio e todos os intervenientes ligados a operação e movimentação do container no porto e a bordo da embarcação.

As duas principais metodologias adotadas na pesagem são :  

Método 1: Pesagem do container estufado, incluindo todo o seu conteúdo e tara.

Método 2: Pesam-se todas as embalagens e produtos, incluindo pallets, esteiras e outros materiais, inclusive de peação e escoras  a serem carregados no container, adicionando-se posteriormente, o valor da tara.

Em que pese o fato de a maioria das exportações Brasileiras serem realizadas na modalidade “FOB”, em que o exportador é responsável pela estufagem das mercadorias dentro do container,  contudo, esta operação pode ser terceirizada. O exportador poderá contratar os serviços de um agente de cargas ou Operador logístico e este por sua vez, vai executar os serviços de acondicionamento da carga no container e posterior pesagem da unidade, emitindo a declaração de pesagem em conjunto com a certificação dos equipamentos de pesagens feita por órgão classificador devidamente autorizado.

Não se pode olvidar que a não observação às regras a serem implementadas a partir de 1º de julho do corrente ano, poderá trazer sérios dissabores e prejuízos aos exportadores. Se não vejamos, os transportadores marítimos geralmente trabalham com a modalidade de frete em “LINER TERMS”. Termos em que os transportadores marítimos mediante acordo com o porto de embarque apontam um operador portuário para realizar as operações de embarque e descarga dos containers.  Como regra, o operador portuário é o próprio Terminal de  containers(porto), de acordo com os ditames da lei 12.815/2013 em sistema de concessão e arrendamento.

O exportador, por sua vez, fica responsável por entregar a mercadoria/ container devidamente desembaraçada pela Alfândega no porto de embarque. Com o novo regulamento, terá ainda que instruir junto aos documentos de embarque a declaração do peso bruto verificado (verified Gross mass-VGM). Caso não o faça, assumirá o risco da perda do embarque, gerando pagamento de frete morto, tarifa de rolagem de carga, armazenagem do container, despesas de sobreestadia e outras tarifas, sem prejuízo de incorrer em multa contratual perante o importador.

Portanto, vale a pena estar atento a estas novas alterações de regramento, realizando um planejamento eficiente para as exportações, no sentido de evitar futuros litígios judiciais e prejuízos financeiros.

No evento de uma abordagem mais aprofundada acerca das operações de embarque e descarga de containers, suas peculiaridades e rotinas operacionais, convido-os a acessar o blog , buscar FLUXOGRAMA DE EXPORTAÇÃO e conhecer mais sobre os procedimentos e rotinas de exportação.

Dados sobre o autor:

Paulo S.Silvano Oliveira
Advogado – Consultor de empresas
Justice Course / Harvard
Extensão em Direito marítimo (transporte marítimo, oil & gás, avarias, etc)
“Expertise” em portos – tendo atuado por 10 anos em portos da VALE. Empresas
De comércio exterior, Armadores Gregos, Empresas de reparos navais, etc.