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Brazil goes through unusual moments in this trajectory in search of insertion in the world political and economic scenario. The winds that plague the contemporary world are still blowing in the direction of a realignment and hegemony among the great continental powers.

For the moment, what is perceived in the mists of change is only omens and uncertainties, with speculation, mainly due to the recent victory of Republican Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States and political alternations in the European Union that oscillates between center and extreme right, Flirting with ultra nationalism, which has been gaining proselytes on a universal scale.

There is a widespread dissatisfaction on the part of society, expressed through social media, with a sequence of events that have aroused outrages and even derision towards the political class in a vehement negative acceptance of any act or proposal by these actors. See the last case involving the Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, who was exposed to public reproach.

In Brazil, it has been no different, we have a political class frightened and terrified of the advances of the "lava jato operations” while whispering between walls a way to prevent the judiciary from further investigations and more arrests. The "bastille is already full" and comes with the much-anticipated "collaboration of the company Odebrecht - the mother of all collaborators - Politicians are terrified, the press, wring their hands, anxious for" big fish "to be exposed On the cover of newspapers and increase of TV viewers.

Meanwhile, the government is trying to approve economic and social security measures at a congress filled with fear and making every kind of bargain to escape the impending arrest. There are all kinds of interests involved in this Republic. There are those who do not want to be arrested (no one really wants to) and conspire against the "jet car – lava jato" operation, but in public, they praise this "sacred operation", those who want power and political positions, self interests, in every way, they intend to overthrow the government;

Instilling unions, going to supreme court to file suit against the current presidente, asking for "impeachment" to every mishap of some minister or negative economic indexes. There are also those who want the power through new elections, hoping that the current government will collapse, resulting in failure of its emergency plan, culminating in the worsening economy, rising unemployment and uncontrolled inflation, these are the "Nihilists ".

Civil Society needs to be attentive at this moment, all present themselves with the purpose of save the country, wanting to be main player in such a troubled moment, creating problems to sell solutions. Yet like Charonte - the boatman who in Greek mythology carried the souls across the river estige and aqueront, as long as they paid with a coin. - No one, apparently, politician has reserved this coin for the boatman, and so they are wandering aimlessly, without however Crossing.

The moment is of concern, Brazil needs governance that can provide legal security, political and economic stability. These are the coins for crossing this nefarious state of affairs. There is heavy winds blowing in the judicial, executive and legislative branches, a diversity of ideological currents emerge at this very moment.

If this imbroglio still continues, foreign investors will not put a penny in the country until they feel safe and confident that the government has a solid political base in the congress and that it can maintain the rules of the game, providing legal security for the contracts.

We need convergence for the nation to head in the right direction and the government in power may be able to implement the necessary changes with the help of congress and active participation of the whole society. Caution and common sense have always been key points in any situation, now mostly.

Author datas:

Paulo S.Silvano Oliveira
Advogado / Consultor – lawyer / consulting
Extensão em Direito marítimo (transporte marítimo, oil & gás, avarias, etc)
“Expertise” em portos – tendo atuado por 10 anos em portos da VALE.
Empresas de reparos navais e Agencias marítimas.


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