quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

BRAZILIAN ODDITIES - English version


The country is in the global media. However, the foreign press has not caught the meaning of the movements that are happening in Brazil or are making biased, underlying an information devoid of factual content. Let me explain; the current government is being removed from their power in a constitutional and democratic legal process, with all the institutions playing its role, within the democratic state of law, the contradictory and full defense.

The government is undergoing the process of impeachment because transgressed the law of fiscal responsibility, said “tax pedaling”. It claims that other previous governments also made. If they really did, this is not a vested right to ignore the law. In fact is that lacked political skill to the current government, is weak and badly managed public finances, in addition to being involved in scandal of bribery and corruption.

Face of all this, the people took to the streets asking for the exit of the President. The message of the streets was ignored by the government. Another big mistake, it would add to this, muddle the minister’s choices. Given what has and will now be away for 180 days, if the impeachment is approved in the Senate. This same Federal Senate will be responsible by the final judgment where it will be ascertained if she is culprit or guiltless.

Important to highlight that President is suffering impeachment process, by the same people who elected it. Contrary to what it conveys, the country is not divided, over 78% of the population want the impediment and will achieve. The most surprising, that may be  odd to the world media and governments, all these moves were made without belligerence, without firing a shot or violence among peers. Discrepancies policies exist, sometimes with some animosity, but respect for others and the freedom of speech continues to prevail.

Perhaps this is the conundrum that the foreign press could not decipher, or want to omit. The strength of an organized people, respecting the laws and the Constitution, an operant Judiciary in line with the Supreme Court and the harmony between the powers can but legally remove governments that are inconsistent with the greatness and sovereignty of a country, despising laws and its people. We prove that we are mature in Question of democracy and ready to start over.

It’s possible this essence (Brazilian oddities) may be causing awe and fear. Imagine if other people in a similar situation decides to exercise his prerogative of citizenship fully and democratically organize themselves against oppressive governments and foolish ones. It would be the last piece of Pandora box, the hope.

Author full details:

Paulo S. Silvano Oliveira
Advogado / Lawyer (maritime expertise) 
Extensão em Direito marítimo (transporte marítimo, oil & gás, avarias, etc)
“Expertise” em portos – tendo atuado por 10 anos em portos da VALE.
Consultoria em Empresas de Comércio Exterior, Armadores e Afretadores, Empresas de reparos navais, etc.
Linkedin: BR.linkedin.com/in/paulosilvano

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