

AMUSING BUSINESS DINNER Last week I was pleased to meet again and  have a dinner with my former partner and his family. Among several discussions he recalled the second and last travel we made to Greece and Italy to canvass new business contracts with ship owners and managers. At that time we found a brazilian colleague in a coffee bar in Piraeus a beautifull and pleasant city, less crowded that Athens city. whence, we have had an opportunity to meet a vessel´s superintendente acccompanied by the brazilian guy, which, in turn unveiled to us an urgente demand by one of the vessels managed by his company with several technical pending issues by the port state control(PSC) in Brazil. Most part of these pendencies, should be solved out before the ship leaves the Brazilian ports and cleared by the vessels class society. So, next day morning we went to the companys office. How surprise were for the luxury and refinement of the company, located at Glyfada, Athens. ...


UMA MOEDA PARA O BARQUEIRO - II Partindo de aparente cognição ao pensamento da geração “Z” percebe-se que a ênfase é a polarização. Se por um lado sobra entusiasmo para mudar o mundo, por outro, sobeja o pessimismo e o desapontamento. Os encantos do mundo digital, assistidos pela tecnologia da informação com todas as suas ferramentas de inovação, tem produzidos nesta geração uma espécie de religião virtual. Onde não há espaço e tempo impondo limites. Todos buscam a verdade para cada um, correm juntos, mas os interesses são difusos, produzindo uma sensação de realidade líquida, disforme, conforme palavras do sociólogo, polonês Zygmunt Bauman em seu livro “modernidade Líquida”. Se comparamos os ensinamentos de Aristóteles, temos que; os indivíduos eram educados nos melhores princípios éticos e morais, além do conhecimento científico, para serem bons e qualificados cidadãos, capazes de praticar belas ações. Estas ações, com o tempo, reverteriam em favor da cole...

Rockefellers x Exxon

This is realy a Titãs clash there are several underlying interest playing a big role in this business. The climate change policy is only a detail lay down on this chessboard, its something like the oyster amid the  Strong waves against the cliffs. This kind of litigation will take a long time and there will be no losers, except... the less fortunates stakeholders... read more at


ELOGIO DA LOUCURA Aproveitando o feriado, “nestas noites quentes de verão”, parafraseando o poeta Cazuza, curtindo as comemorações natalinas, passei a examinar a estante em busca de algum livro para ler e passar o tempo. Eis que ao lançar os olhos um pouco mais acima, deparei-me com a excelente obra literária do magnifico escritor e humanista Erasmo de Roterdã, intitulada:  ELOGIO DA LOUCURA. [i] Trata-se de uma grande sátira e crítica mordaz à sociedade Europeia, aos potentados da época e a Igreja ocidental em suas mazelas na busca pelo poder no século XV e XVI.  A comparação com a sociedade, igreja e classe política de nossos tempos é inevitável, alterando somente o cenário em que os atos dos personagens sobrevêm. Principalmente em ano de eleição que nos espera em 2018 Mas... deixemos de lado os encômios e passemos a leitura de um dos excertos do livro, encontrado à página 7. Faculto aos leitores as comparações, pertinentes. ...Nascida no...


photo source   Regarding to the fire occured   last thursday 17th, in the Logistic warehouse,   nearby Capuaba Ports,   Vila Velha city, call to mind the liabilites involved in this kind of sinister. the insurancy companies policies shall be applied to each party concerned and the cargoes damaged thereof. For sure, several claims will arise of this misfortune. The insurance companies Will be demanded by the stakeholders to settle the amount more fast and will be subrogated in the proper insured rights to regress against who gave cause to the damages. according to Brazilian law in force, civil code 2015 – art.    757. “Under the insurance contract, the insurer undertakes, upon payment of the premium, to guarantee the legitimate interest of the insured person or thing, against predetermined risks”. Usually, the proper insurance policy provide a clause enabling the underwriters acting on behalf of the insured. The underwriters can subrog...

Glimpse Automated Terminal QQCTN On A Nightshift

automated_terminal_qqctn_on_a_nightshift#Navis In a perusal in the enclosed article, we wonder when this important and effective autonomous technology will come to Brazil. Finally, when come, for sure will face a hard hindrances by the strong port labours unions as never seen before, even as enacted the former act 8.630/93 which was considered the milestone of new ports framework.  Thereupon, this law was repealed by the new law 12.815/2013 that ruling the ports legal procedures still in force. According to this law, the OGMO, a kind of paraestatal company established by the government to manage the stevedoring services in port and on board of ships docked (longshoreman, tallyman, winchman, forklift and so on).  Previously these tasks were performed by stevedores unions. A briefing example of container vessels operations nowadays(discharging and loading). Port operators must request to the OGMO the shoreman and tally...


Brazilian national oil agency (ANP) expect to earn more than R$ 30 billions of investment with the next oil basins auction to be held at the next, october 27th 2017. Most of giant worlwide oil companies were itselves interested in thriving busines in brazil, bearing in mind the new rules applied to the oil fields. According to ANP, they expect to raise funds of approximatelly R$ 43 millions only with subscriptions bonds. A kind of mandatory provision paid upon the signature of contract on the auction of acquiring any oil basin. In the 14th Bidding Round, ten maritime blocks will be offered in the Campos Basin, located on the coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. Please read more at... Should you need any further clarification on this subject. Please do not hesitate in contact our office. We remain at your entire disposal.