

BELOVED HOMELAND, BRAZIL Our beloved country is facing hard times to preserve the fresh democracy and institutions placed to the test with last events steemed from the lava-jato (car wash) operations. Which resulted in arresting of the majors businessman and politicians convicted by corruptions and bribery. The watershed moment was the arresting of former presidente Lula (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva), which rattled the Brazil and international media. Lula da Silva, has been the most influential leader from the left party PT in decades, that governed Brazil   for almost 20 years, including his sucessor Dilma Roussef, who has undergone a impeachment process by the national congress, obeyed all requirements of legal due process along with the Supreme Tribunal Federal, removing her from the post of presidente The spate of these events has lead the international press to undertake a erroneous reading of facts. Most of correspondentes, mainly, non residents, misco...

solicitors: O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!!

solicitors: O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!! : O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!! Meses atrás fui procurado por um cliente, cujo nome “fictício” era Aderbal. Uma pessoa simples de h...


O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!! Meses atrás fui procurado por um cliente, cujo nome “fictício” era Aderbal. Uma pessoa simples de hábitos comezinhos que buscava dar baixa na sua empresa junto aos órgãos públicos; cuja as atividades já haviam sido encerradas a longos anos. Mas, não tendo logrado êxito, contratou meus serviços.  Comentou que no Brasil é mais fácil abrir uma empresa do que fecha-la, ao que concordei. Solicitei alguns documentos, que me entregou de pronto. Todavia, faltaram outros que ficou de apresentar. Falei para enviar por WhatsApp ou e-mail. Alegou que não possuía, somente utilizava SMS e que iria trazer pessoalmente. Perguntei pelo número de seu celular para entrar em contato. Informou o número. Porém, condicionou o recebimento de mensagens SMS e ligações, a um horário pré-estipulado. Intrigado, perguntei se ele tinha problemas com a justiça ou estava sendo ameaçado por alguém? Não, retrucou simplesmente. Que na verdade, ele tinha medo mesmo...


Espirito Santo sempre foi destaque como maior produtor de café conilon do Brasil. Ansiamos que o Porto Central quando em operação, possa trazer novamente as exportações de café em containers pelo nosso estado, gerando riquezas e criação de postos de trabalho. Espirito Santo has always been highlighted as the largest conilon coffee producer in Brazil. We are cheering that Central Port, when in operation, will be able to bring bagged coffee exports back into containers by our state, generating wealth and creating new jobs.. Read more at...


TRADING ON THE BABEL TOWER I would like to share in this article, some insights and  personal perceptions about the  negotiations, regarding to some companies and peoples from abroad where I took a part in  deals and for the sake of good order, henceforth shall be called as Contractors. Therefore,  this post, by no means intend to be a business manual, or guide book even because should be untenable to describe so vast and complex subject in a few words and lines. I have not such a claim. Working in the maritime industry for more than 27 years, dealing with a multicultural people, commercial managers, head of contract and others remarkable responsible persons, feel myself fortunate to have learned with my colleagues, some knowledge and tips that end up to be embeded in the way of doing business. Each country and people holds specific details and behaviour to do business and achieving the best results in contract dealing, no matter wha...


                                     photo courtesy: google photos The Brazilian grain harvest regarding to crop 2017/2018 has begun. The Expectancy is to hit a sum of 223, millions of tons, with emphasis on soyabean seeds, predictions to reach 112,3 millions of tons. Our law office is focused in this market. Soyabean shipment is a complex operation services and has its own procedures, as from the data entry of export documents in Siscomex system(Customs), cargoes storage and conveying to the vessels holds must be checked by technicians, surveyors and the assesment of others skilled stakeholders. Most of complaints usualy are stemmed from soyabeans loading into vessel´s holds. And are related to the cargo temperature and moisture during and after loading. P&I clubs are recommending the cargo temperature during the loading operations around 25 and 30º C with and a...


AMUSING BUSINESS DINNER Last week I was pleased to meet again and  have a dinner with my former partner and his family. Among several discussions he recalled the second and last travel we made to Greece and Italy to canvass new business contracts with ship owners and managers. At that time we found a brazilian colleague in a coffee bar in Piraeus a beautifull and pleasant city, less crowded that Athens city. whence, we have had an opportunity to meet a vessel´s superintendente acccompanied by the brazilian guy, which, in turn unveiled to us an urgente demand by one of the vessels managed by his company with several technical pending issues by the port state control(PSC) in Brazil. Most part of these pendencies, should be solved out before the ship leaves the Brazilian ports and cleared by the vessels class society. So, next day morning we went to the companys office. How surprise were for the luxury and refinement of the company, located at Glyfada, Athens. ...