sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2019


Resultado de imagem para BANDEIRA BRASIL E FLORESTA


I tell you! I tell you that the Amazonia´s burning footage, rebound and splurging in the social media and press is a misunderstanding and does not represent the truth. In fact, there is natural and seasonal burnings during the dry months, June July and august, considered as the amazonic summer. However, this year is getting worse than normal, stated INPE (official environmental office in Brazil).

Despite the seasonal dry, also occur, deforestation and criminal burnings by illegal farmers and loggers. Brazilian Federal government, together with Federal prosecutors (MP) have already opened an investigation on illegal deforestation and surge of intentional burning fires.

The last but not least, the national congress and governors of major’s state hit by blaze are vetting a strategic plan to be enforced by law to mitigate and reduce the criminal burnings and deforestation. The world is by no means unaware, that Brazil is the greatest global barnyard and will brace to supply food for approximately 8 billion peoples across the globe.

Therefore, as an important player in worldwide commodities market, Brazil is fully committed to embrace the default rule, to plays down and avert the global warming and comply with the sustainable environment treaty.

The celebrities, "think tank", media, plenipotentiary and entourage are always welcome in Brazil to probe our facilities and see the new world of opportunities and market opening for the entrepreneurs and long-term investors.

But, please, do not spread fire and blaze that burn the ideas, pleading and reasonings. Search the primary sources and find facts. Come to Brazil!


Paulo Silvano

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