
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2018


                                     photo courtesy: google photos The Brazilian grain harvest regarding to crop 2017/2018 has begun. The Expectancy is to hit a sum of 223, millions of tons, with emphasis on soyabean seeds, predictions to reach 112,3 millions of tons. Our law office is focused in this market. Soyabean shipment is a complex operation services and has its own procedures, as from the data entry of export documents in Siscomex system(Customs), cargoes storage and conveying to the vessels holds must be checked by technicians, surveyors and the assesment of others skilled stakeholders. Most of complaints usualy are stemmed from soyabeans loading into vessel´s holds. And are related to the cargo temperature and moisture during and after loading. P&I clubs are recommending the cargo temperature during the loading operations around 25 and 30º C with and a...


AMUSING BUSINESS DINNER Last week I was pleased to meet again and  have a dinner with my former partner and his family. Among several discussions he recalled the second and last travel we made to Greece and Italy to canvass new business contracts with ship owners and managers. At that time we found a brazilian colleague in a coffee bar in Piraeus a beautifull and pleasant city, less crowded that Athens city. whence, we have had an opportunity to meet a vessel´s superintendente acccompanied by the brazilian guy, which, in turn unveiled to us an urgente demand by one of the vessels managed by his company with several technical pending issues by the port state control(PSC) in Brazil. Most part of these pendencies, should be solved out before the ship leaves the Brazilian ports and cleared by the vessels class society. So, next day morning we went to the companys office. How surprise were for the luxury and refinement of the company, located at Glyfada, Athens. ...


UMA MOEDA PARA O BARQUEIRO - II Partindo de aparente cognição ao pensamento da geração “Z” percebe-se que a ênfase é a polarização. Se por um lado sobra entusiasmo para mudar o mundo, por outro, sobeja o pessimismo e o desapontamento. Os encantos do mundo digital, assistidos pela tecnologia da informação com todas as suas ferramentas de inovação, tem produzidos nesta geração uma espécie de religião virtual. Onde não há espaço e tempo impondo limites. Todos buscam a verdade para cada um, correm juntos, mas os interesses são difusos, produzindo uma sensação de realidade líquida, disforme, conforme palavras do sociólogo, polonês Zygmunt Bauman em seu livro “modernidade Líquida”. Se comparamos os ensinamentos de Aristóteles, temos que; os indivíduos eram educados nos melhores princípios éticos e morais, além do conhecimento científico, para serem bons e qualificados cidadãos, capazes de praticar belas ações. Estas ações, com o tempo, reverteriam em favor da cole...

Rockefellers x Exxon

This is realy a Titãs clash there are several underlying interest playing a big role in this business. The climate change policy is only a detail lay down on this chessboard, its something like the oyster amid the  Strong waves against the cliffs. This kind of litigation will take a long time and there will be no losers, except... the less fortunates stakeholders... read more at