Resultado de imagem para FOTO ESPIRITO SANTO


The recent wave of illegal strikes by public servants, especially among the military, impeded by the 1988 Brazilian federal constitution to carry them out, has caused a paradox in what concerns the economic crisis that plagues the country. The state of Espírito Santo, which can now rejoice at being a lean state with balanced finances, was the scene of one of the most violent scenes of looting, robbery and death in a short space of time. Because of these “white strikes”.

Until recently, the state had been prominent in the national and international media because it was one of the few federation states that had balanced finances, paid the civil services and was not subject to prisoner rebellions. The governor of the state was well-named and emerged as a potential presidential candidate in 2018. Suddenly, the chaos, the situation changes and the state that was an example of virtue came to live in the worst of worlds. The enemies of power applied Machiavelli's maxim: "Let evil be done all at once and good, the eyedropper."

Civil society has split, one party supports the government, another says it's their fault. The media that once venerated him now looks up the direction of the crowd and support one or the other, depending on the quorum and messages posted on social networks. A real pragmatism. It is true that the state government is doing what has to be done, to offset the economy and managing the state with responsibility, the moment is difficult for the whole country.

It does not mean that the military and other public servants do not have the rights to have their salary increases, they must have, however is not the time to claim it. Now it´s unteneable, The structural reforms of the social security, the ceiling of the public expenses, the easing of the labor laws will have to be implemented by the Temer government to consolidate the macroeconomic bases. Countries such as Portugal, Spain and Greece have gone through this fiscal tightening situation and are starting to reheat their economies.

Brazil can not allow itself to be carried away by populist politicians and profiteers, with easy solutions to difficult problems, speeches that tickle the ears and tend to deceive the unsuspecting with promises of quick social insertion, abundant distribution of wealth and social demands fully met . This is the ideal world, but not real. Until reaching the ideal pursued, it takes a lot of work, planning, strengthening of education and an increase embrace of the society on developing critical thinking in the sense of discerning the fake from the feasible.

The economic team of the presidente Temer is working hard to restore the country's credibility in the world economic scenario. It is not an easy task to recompose what has been destroyed in 12 years of abuse and public expense. In relation to the dollar there is strong pressure from short-term investors, aggressive and eager for quick returns, inject many dollars into the market which causes the value of the American currency to plummet. At the right time, rumors of rising interest rates in the US and uncertainties in China are pouring in for the currency to begin to appreciate, and there, it's time to sell the bonds.


The price of iron ore is rising in the market (USD 83.00 p / mt), however, still far from the level reached in the golden years in 2011 (USD 190.00 p / mt). It is important to note that this cost is modality "CFR" (cost and freight) means that: transportation of the mines to the mill, port, clearance and shipment on board the vessels is at the expense of the exporter. In this segment and sale of agreements (CFR), VALE is very competent and has deep expertise in this commodity market.

In conclusion, Brazil needs to advance in the segments of technological innovation to improve its  industrial plants. Support for incubators and startups, as well as investment flexibility for micro and small companies, tends to relief some main dependence on the commodity market.

By: Zadock Zenas



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