sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagem para foto justiça e bandeira do brasil


Our beloved country is facing hard times to preserve the fresh democracy and institutions placed to the test with last events steemed from the lava-jato (car wash) operations. Which resulted in arresting of the majors businessman and politicians convicted by corruptions and bribery. The watershed moment was the arresting of former presidente Lula (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva), which rattled the Brazil and international media.

Lula da Silva, has been the most influential leader from the left party PT in decades, that governed Brazil  for almost 20 years, including his sucessor Dilma Roussef, who has undergone a impeachment process by the national congress, obeyed all requirements of legal due process along with the Supreme Tribunal Federal, removing her from the post of presidente

The spate of these events has lead the international press to undertake a erroneous reading of facts. Most of correspondentes, mainly, non residents, misconstrue the events, providing a  false reality to his readers.

The complexity of the subject mixed with the lack of legal knowledge and the Brazilian procedural law have lead the foreign correspondents at the continuous stress work. Given that their principals charge them for more News, and so, in order to attend their requirements, they send disconnected details from reality, entailing a flawed logic and unteneable facts.

Nevertheless, the Brazilian civil society is following this case closely and not only following, but supporting the Lava-Jato and also the international entities and plenipotentiary of the abroad embassies in Brazil. Only for a recall, lets make a perusal in the former president Lula trial from the begining til the final award by the TRF 4 and  mittimus issued by  Sergio Moro Judge. Let´s see hereinafter:

ü  The former presidente Lula was convited to a little less than 10 years of prision by the Federal Judge Sergio Moro.

ü  Whereas his lawyers have entered with appeal in the TRF 4 court. The Judges of that court, did not uphold the appeal, rather, increasing the prision sentence to 12 years.

ü  Unsatisfied with the results, Lawyers of defendant, once more enter the same court with referral named embargos declaratórios “motion of declaration” to clarify some ambiguities in the sentence.

ü  thereupon, defendant´s lawyers tried to get a writ of “habeas corpus” in the Superior Tribunal de Justiça - STJ (against de prision during the judging of appeals) However, the STJ, the whole Judges has rejected the writ unanimously.(11x0)

ü  Once more, defence Lawyers argued new HABBEAS CORPUS application, this time in Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF, but again, luck was not favourable to them and the STF Judges has rejected the habeas corpus application to this case by the score of 06x05 (hard case)

As we can see the Brazilian procedural penal code is prodigal in appeals and the Federal Brazilian Constitution assists in guaranteeing the right of the accused to the presumption of innocence which is enshrined in Articl 5º, LVII - CFB/88. Therefore, this same article do not preclude the prision after the second instance conviction.

Thats the key point of the two mainstreams, In line with the terms of reference to the Lava_jato breakthrough focused on two main issues: One class and the civil society deemed to the discussion on the reform of penal understanding of prision after the second instance conviction. The other side the School of thoughts defending the last court of appeals to allow /order the defendant prision.

these are complex issues, but the facts must be disclosed in their fullness. Important to point out that the rights of appeals of person arrested keep going in the superior courts pursuing his release through the different appeals.

Author´s full details:

Paulo Oliveira S.Silvano
lawyer - Consultant
Extension in maritime law (shipping, oil & gas, loss and averages, etc.)
"Expertise" in ports - having worked for 10 years in VALE ports.
Maritime repairs and Agency.

image courtesy:

sábado, 31 de março de 2018

solicitors: O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!!

solicitors: O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!!: O ADERBAL TINHA RAZÃO!!! Meses atrás fui procurado por um cliente, cujo nome “fictício” era Aderbal. Uma pessoa simples de h...

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2018


Resultado de imagem para imagens inteligência artificial


Meses atrás fui procurado por um cliente, cujo nome “fictício” era Aderbal. Uma pessoa simples de hábitos comezinhos que buscava dar baixa na sua empresa junto aos órgãos públicos; cuja as atividades já haviam sido encerradas a longos anos. Mas, não tendo logrado êxito, contratou meus serviços.  Comentou que no Brasil é mais fácil abrir uma empresa do que fecha-la, ao que concordei.

Solicitei alguns documentos, que me entregou de pronto. Todavia, faltaram outros que ficou de apresentar. Falei para enviar por WhatsApp ou e-mail. Alegou que não possuía, somente utilizava SMS e que iria trazer pessoalmente. Perguntei pelo número de seu celular para entrar em contato.

Informou o número. Porém, condicionou o recebimento de mensagens SMS e ligações, a um horário pré-estipulado. Intrigado, perguntei se ele tinha problemas com a justiça ou estava sendo ameaçado por alguém? Não, retrucou simplesmente. Que na verdade, ele tinha medo mesmo era dos Russos o localizarem pelo celular.

Mais encafifado fiquei e indaguei, se era espião ou já tinha trabalhado para o FBI, CIA, ABIN ou qualquer outro órgão de inteligência no Brasil ou exterior. Me olhou assustado e perguntou o que significavam aquelas letrinhas? Que ganhava a vida, prestando serviços como modelador e cortador de tecidos para algumas fabricas de confecções do Município.

Então, não há o que temer, retruquei. Você que pensa! Objetou ele, quanto mais eu me aventurar no celular, mais fácil os Russo vão me achar, e me mostrou seu aparelho. Um bem antigo, com uma tela tão minúscula, que mal dava para enxergar os números.

Mas, você nem fala russo não é espião nem nada, comentei. Aí é que está o problema rebateu ele. Como vou conseguir explicar tudo isto, estando nas mãos dos Russos? Tempos depois, os meios de comunicação nacional e internacional veiculava a possível intervenção dos Russos nas  eleições americana, referendum do Brexit e posteriormente o vazamento de dados do Facebook no imbróglio com a empresa de dados, Cambridge Analítica.

Coincidência ou não, encontrei o Aderbal caminhando tranquilamente pela orla marítima em uma tarde de sexta-feira. Conversamos um pouco, perguntei pelo aparelho celular se já o havia trocado. Respondeu que ainda possuía o mesmo. Pensei em inquiri-lo a respeito de inteligência artificial, robótica e as próximas eleições no Brasil, em outubro.

Contudo, refleti um pouco e não o fiz temendo pelas respostas. Vai que o Aderbal....

sobre o autor:

Paulo S.Silvano Oliveira
Advogado / Consultor
Extensão em Direito marítimo (transporte marítimo, oil & gás, avarias, etc)
“Expertise” em portos – tendo atuado por 10 anos em portos da VALE.
Empresas de reparos navais e Agencias marítimas.

Imagem, cortesia:

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2018


Espirito Santo sempre foi destaque como maior produtor de café conilon do Brasil. Ansiamos que o Porto Central quando em operação, possa trazer novamente as exportações de café em containers pelo nosso estado, gerando riquezas e criação de postos de trabalho. Espirito Santo has always been highlighted as the largest conilon coffee producer in Brazil. We are cheering that Central Port, when in operation, will be able to bring bagged coffee exports back into containers by our state, generating wealth and creating new jobs.. Read more at...

quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2018


Imagem relacionada


I would like to share in this article, some insights and  personal perceptions about the  negotiations, regarding to some companies and peoples from abroad where I took a part in  deals and for the sake of good order, henceforth shall be called as Contractors.

Therefore,  this post, by no means intend to be a business manual, or guide book even because should be untenable to describe so vast and complex subject in a few words and lines. I have not such a claim.

Working in the maritime industry for more than 27 years, dealing with a multicultural people, commercial managers, head of contract and others remarkable responsible persons, feel myself fortunate to have learned with my colleagues, some knowledge and tips that end up to be embeded in the way of doing business.

Each country and people holds specific details and behaviour to do business and achieving the best results in contract dealing, no matter what be the type, short, médium or long term contract. Its imperative to know beforehand the culture, applicable law, person in charge to deal the contract and last but non least, rely on your personal instincts

For instance, the northern of Europe, while negotiated with a contractor some short terms contracts, my perception at that time, the value charged should be an average of price practiced in the international Market. I reminded that Contractors does not used to ask for a rebate in the  amount. If higher or far below price  to the Market, your company will be out. Mean that the applicant company is not trustworth

In  central Europe, some companies ask for or may accept a discount in the invoice or contract, once that be reasonable the percentual negotiated and according to the values practiced in this kind of business. But its not usual, some contracts, mainly the médium and long term contract, a draft must be issued prior and terms be agreed, before close the deal.

the other hand,  I also had some experiences with companies in the Balkan country and Middle east. They are good to do business and discuss the contract amount. Nonetheless, the contractors companies are very meticulous and requiry the utmost of the contracted company, which imply that the contracted must hold the necessary and strong expertise to face a fast pace and accomplish the jobs accordingly.

Regarding to the Asian continent, contractors sometimes like to carefully make a previous assessment of the contracted firm, their custom, culture and company´s background. Also, the Contractors like to appoint a deputy manager to entertain and assess the contracted company´s manager, in order to vet him and take the "datas" to their Commercial diretor. After this you will meet with him directly to discuss the the contract and terms.

In summary,  whatever be the template contract, if simple bespoke contract  or standardized and ruled by the FIDIC book, EPC/TurnKey, clauses Knock for Knock(widely used in oil and gas industry) and others terms  thereon, The contract managers/head must be in mind the uniqueness of each contract, country culture and  others relevant informations and also, who will be designated to run the deal.

Set up an international mindset and thinking globaly are the key features to deal in the complex babel tower of worldwide business and contract. Althought we have effective technological tools to enhance and give more accuracy to the executives decision as, big data, AI and the emerging of skilled Start ups companys tailoring and customize services to clients.

But, one question maybe can  be arisen by the readers, whats the best country to do business? My response is: all the countries. We live in a globaly and integrated world persons and companies are connected all the time, selling and exchanging, products and services, TRADING  “urbe et orbi”. This is a great advantage of the mankind, namely, Interaction, i.e. reciprocity in market access, not only virtual, but face to face. Think this is realy a social funtion of contracts and business.

foto courtesy:

Author details:

Paulo Oliveira S.Silvano
lawyer - Consultant
Extension in maritime law (shipping, oil & gas, loss and averages, etc.)
"Expertise" in ports - having worked for 10 years in VALE ports.
Maritime repairs and Agency.

sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018


                                     photo courtesy: google photos

The Brazilian grain harvest regarding to crop 2017/2018 has begun. The Expectancy is to hit a sum of 223, millions of tons, with emphasis on soyabean seeds, predictions to reach 112,3 millions of tons. Our law office is focused in this market.
Soyabean shipment is a complex operation services and has its own procedures, as from the data entry of export documents in Siscomex system(Customs), cargoes storage and conveying to the vessels holds must be checked by technicians, surveyors and the assesment of others skilled stakeholders.
Most of complaints usualy are stemmed from soyabeans loading into vessel´s holds. And are related to the cargo temperature and moisture during and after loading. P&I clubs are recommending the cargo temperature during the loading operations around 25 and 30º C with and average moisture contente 11.5 or less in order to avoid cargo damage (self-heating, caking ) and future claims by the importerers. As per displayed in site:
They are also instructing their members to verify the “quality certificates”which state the cargoes specifities and to collect, if posible, some samples of soyabean, in spite of the bill of lading stress the remarks” received on board in apparent good order and conditions”. They are trying to avoid any quarrel by the consignees in the destination ports.
China is the main importer of Brazilian soyabean and the disputes related to cargoes damages has increased in Chinese courts. Bearing in mind that transit time Brazil to Chinese ports is around 40 days. Carriers must take all security procedures on loading and during the long Voyage to Chinese ports.
Our office are in line with this Market turnover. For any enquiry or advise, please do not hesitate in contact us.
Author full details:

Paulo S.Silvano Oliveira
Advogado / Lawyer (maritime expertise) 
Extensão em Direito marítimo (transporte marítimo, oil & gás, avarias, etc)
“Expertise” em portos – tendo atuado por 10 anos em portos da VALE.
Consultoria em Empresas de Comércio Exterior, Armadores e Afretadores, Empresas de reparos navais, etc.

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018



Last week I was pleased to meet again and  have a dinner with my former partner and his family. Among several discussions he recalled the second and last travel we made to Greece and Italy to canvass new business contracts with ship owners and managers.

At that time we found a brazilian colleague in a coffee bar in Piraeus a beautifull and pleasant city, less crowded that Athens city. whence, we have had an opportunity to meet a vessel´s superintendente acccompanied by the brazilian guy, which, in turn unveiled to us an urgente demand by one of the vessels managed by his company with several technical pending issues by the port state control(PSC) in Brazil.

Most part of these pendencies, should be solved out before the ship leaves the Brazilian ports and cleared by the vessels class society. So, next day morning we went to the companys office. How surprise were for the luxury and refinement of the company, located at Glyfada, Athens.

After we talked about services procedures and others technical threads, helped by our technicians team in Brazil, we have conclude the deal with uptake and satisfatory results  for both side. So, the vessel´s superintendent flew to Brazil to oversee the services. Of course we had luck, but along with an skilled and technical team that supported us.

Another important meeting was recalled, it held in Marina di Carrara, Italy. There, we deal an important services contract with a shipowner, whose vessel was in regular services line, calling  three brazilian ports and three foreign ports. The contract refered to the replacement of trackway bar alongside vessel´s holds.

We faced many hindrances with this servces, diffrent from planned. the services  only could be carried out when vessel was berthed and sometimes stevedores did no permit the accomplishing of the services because the welding sparks that fallen  into vessel´s hold. As a result the jobs should only be run when there was no loading or discharge operations happening.

Unfortunately, we have had no time enought to conclude the whole Job. Once that vessel was delivered in time chater for another Charterers and they have changed her route to others ports abroad. Therefore, the learnship and expertise acquired was superb in  risk management.

Afterr all, I decided to quit my partnership in the ships repairs company to dedicate myself body and soul to my other passion, the advocacy. But... I still have a broker ships repairs office, where I can develop my old passion, smoothly.

In summary, today we have an amazing technology support as AI, Big Data, robotics, IoT and others importante devices. The Linkedin platform is an excelente tool to find new opportunites, enhance networks, looking for a job, changing  job, undertake a new business, whatever be.

However,do not forget one important tip: the personal visit, a handshake, eye to eye is still a big difference when closing a new contract.

Cheers for all

By Paulo Silvano