

image credits: ...Despite this forecast growth, the existing rail links between China and Europe are likely to remain niche options. Steve Saxon, a logistics expert from McKinsey in Shanghai, summarizes it nicely: “Compared to sea freight, the volume of goods transported to Europe overland will always remain small.”  Read more at
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image credits: google image OIL POLLUTION, BRAZIL Despite of high media and public interest in this subject, to unveil the real polluter of heavy oil washed up at the northeast coastlines in Brazil, resulting in a most unprecedented incident and worst damages to the marine environment. The International Tankers Owners pollution Federation -ITOPF is advisoring the Brazilian institutions, such IBAMA and Navy to handle this case. Bearing in mind of some tankers ships has been appointed as liable for the disaster, the international legal frameworks, comprise of several rules of civil liabailities. Among these entangled regulations, we may highlight two main conventions to be applied at this case: International Convention on Civil Libilities for Oil Pollution Damage (1969 CLC) and International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation of oil pollution damages ( 1971 fund convention). We are convinced that whereby detected liability of the own...


imagem credito: google/ Leiamos o texto abaixo, com atenção: " ....Oh! havemos de persuadi-los de que não serão verdadeiramente livres senão abdicando da sua liberdade em nosso favor. Pois bem! Diremos a verdade ou mentiremos? Eles próprios se convencerão de que falamos a verdade, porque se hão-de lembrar da escravatura e da perturbação em que os tinha lançado a Tua liberdade. A independência, o pensamento livre, a ciência, hão-de perdê-los num tal labirinto, hão-de pô-los em presença de tais prodígios, de tais enigmas, que uns, rebeldes, furiosos, se destruirão a si próprios, outros, rebeldes, mas fracos, multidão de cobardes e de miseráveis, se hão-de arrastar aos nossos pés em clamores: «Sim, tínheis razão, só vós possuís o seu segredo e a vós regressamos; salvai-nos de nós mesmos!» Sem dúvida, ao receberem de nós os pães, verão bem que são os seus os que tomamos, os seus, ganhos pelo seu próprio trabalho, para os distribuirmos, sem nenhum milagre; ver...


                                               image credits/google image THE PARLANCE, THE SPEECH AND THE METHOD The building of a logical thought, the effort of syntactic structuring and the performance in the sense of conveying the contents, enable the sender of the message, as protagonist, the main purpose is to entice the recipient to adhere the new tenets of ideas and disseminate it to his peers, mainly the whole civil society The paragraph herein up, as well as the phrases set up in principle, seems to forego a logical structure in its more colloquial form of interpretation. But this is the key purpose of first part of this article. Ascertain a thought or saying something can happen in many ways, once circumvented by impressive, figures of speech. Press, social media and most of wing left, has master this prerogative, as important tool to p...


TELL US THE FACT I tell you! I tell you that the Amazonia´s burning footage, rebound and splurging in the social media and press is a misunderstanding and does not represent the truth. In fact, there is natural and seasonal burnings during the dry months, June July and august, considered as the amazonic summer. However, this year is getting worse than normal, stated INPE (official environmental office in Brazil). Despite the seasonal dry, also occur, deforestation and criminal burnings by illegal farmers and loggers. Brazilian Federal government, together with Federal prosecutors (MP) have already opened an investigation on illegal deforestation and surge of intentional burning fires. The last but not least, the national congress and governors of major’s state hit by blaze are vetting a strategic plan to be enforced by law to mitigate and reduce the criminal burnings and deforestation. The world is by no means unaware, that Brazil is the greatest global barnyard and wi...


Imagem Brazilian supreme court on award, imposed an obligation to the giant state oil Petrobras to supply fuel oil to Iranians vessels lying at anchorage. Therefore, at this odd import and export negotiations, something still must be brought to light. for instance: Who is the Charterer? Assuming that, Brazilian importers bought urea from the Iranians vendors and in turn, will export corn in bulk to Iran. Bearing in mind that  majors stakeholders and players in foreign trade are fully aware that Iran sanctions are enforce since the beginning of American´s hostages crises in 1979. Embracing a little bit relief in Obama´s government and again facing hard sanctions applied by Trump´s administration against the Iranian government. I do not know the terms of contract, but suppose that buyers in Brazil decided to buy on FOB " free on board" terms, the responsibilities to arrange sea...