

CRUZEIRO MARÍTIMO , VIAGEM INSÓLITA .                                                                          image courtesy: A temporada de cruzeiros marítimos, geralmente começa em novembro e vai até março. Existem varias companhias e/ou   empresas operadoras de cruzeiros atuando neste lucrativo mercado de navegação de turismo.   Segundo dados da FGV, cerca de 20 navios   operam na costa brasileira, movimentando aproximadamente 800 mil passageiros em meados de 2010/2011. Para o ano 2018/2109 espera-se  geração de receitas na ordem de R$ 2 bilhões na temporada, segunda dados da Agencia Brasil. Trata-se de um importante e crescente segmento turístico   no Brasil. Contudo, nem sempre o mar está para peixe neste negócio.   Principalmente para o...


DEALING WITH HARD NEGOTIATIONS The latest consultancy provided to one of our clients, called the attention of our team how the negotiations took a place, bearing in mind that contractor’s headquarters is located in Taiwan. Once started negotiations, questions and answers flow quickly, unless you have a good and safety A.I. software, you will feel like Damocles - Damocles parable, by Roman philosopher Cicero, 45 b.C - with a sword hanging over their head, when vetting and amend the contract mismatches. However, overcome the early pitfalls, good lessons have been learned and useful knowledge acquired, stemmed from contractual negotiations. As a result, would like to point out top five tips on negotiations, as stated hereunder: THRUSTWORTH In spite of several technological devices at disposal, customer need to feel safe on the agreed terms, will be duly fulfilled by both sides. while talking each other, client must be comfortable to ask e receive the right an...


Linkedin #big ideas Considering the entire predictions set forth herein, to the year of 2019 we have to work like ants to be entitled to enjoy the prerogative of cicadas some years to come. 2019 shall be the La fontaine´s year or in clear words, the year of sharp management and economic tightnening. analysts foresee the economic recession will hit the united States around 2020. Meantime,The European Union is facing hard times with "brexit" and the central bank policy of deleverage. The other side, China brace to solve the nuisances left by trade war with USA and economic slowdown, with PIB   expectance to 2018 at 6.5 per cent. (a feeble growth to Chinese purposes). However if applied in the west countries, would be an amazing performance. However, western states will never attain such level, cheering to lay down in 2.5 up to 3 percent. last but non least, the emerging markets must be ready to face these travails, mainly with the united states/FED hike ra...


mandatory reading about new geopolitical movements of global players Beijing’s ambitious campaign to dominate global maritime commerce is in full swing. Here’s how the U.S. must respond. I n  a speech  at the Hudson Institute earlier this month, Vice President Mike Pence said.... read more at


CONTAINERS THROUGHPUT IN BRAZIL AND WORLDWIDE According to UNCTAD maritime review, edition 2018, the world container throughput reached a level of 752 millions TEUs in 2017(tweenty equivalent unity). The Asian continent responding to 63%, Europe 16%, North America 8% and Developing America with 6% of volumes moved. Shanghai ports,   achieved the best performance with an average of 40.2 million TEUs in throughput/moved. The vessels time staying in port (loading/discharging operations) has enhanced to 31.2 hours in port, rather than 33.6 the last 2016 year. Bearing in mind that we are talking about mega containers ships of 15.000 to 18.000 unities for loading and unloading operations. Regarding to the seaborne trade Market, there has been an increase of 6.2 per cent in 2017 with the carrier CMA-CGM heading the list of best revenues reach 32.1 percent, followed by the Maersk carriers with almost 15% revenues and an enticed EBITDA, mainly after the aquisitio...


Nestes tempos extremados em que estamos vivenciando o caminhar das sociedades, principalmente, a ocidental, sempre oscilando de um lado a outro, mas, raramente o pendulo se posiciona em equilíbrio. Tem se que esta insatisfação, expõe suas razoes na forma em que as coisas se apresentam e a maneira como os governantes tem exercido o poder político, que se desvanece, dissociado das legitimas aspirações do povo. Em uma sociedade digitalizada que vivemos, as demandas sociais primárias, não conseguem ser absorvidas pela classe política, imersa em seus próprios interesses e concepções. Desta forma, cria-se um abismo entre os partidos políticos e o conjunto social, em termos de obediência e cumplicidade. Assim, muitos partidos estão sendo simplesmente triturados e desprezados pelo cidadão digital. A esquerda, como fenômeno, que despontou em seguida ao período pós-guerra, em meio a uma sociedade, um tanto niilista à época, que buscava respostas para tanta barbárie e mortos; ...


That´s why president Trump is bringing back the main and relevant tech industries to the United States, granting them tax relief. While China is becoming the empire of commodities and logístics( Infrastructure)in Asia. The western countries, instead, USA and EU, in a fast paced, search to develop and enhance the technological projects and protect these intangible assets such as: brands, trade secrets, goodwill and intelectual properties as well. A day will come, when these two strategies converge and shall be needed each other. Pls read more at: photo courtesy by google: